Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Warhammer 40 Adventure #13

Time for a little self retrospection. I think overall my advanced game design class went pretty well. I got to experience Warhammer 40k a game that I had never played before and probably would have never played otherwise. I learned that google spread sheets are an excellent way to keep track of game mechanics as well as a bit about game design its self. In the end our team created an awesome lizard men codex.
Things that I think I did well were taking initiative and communicating. I think one thing that I could have been better at was memorizing a lot of the mechanics. I think if I were to take the class again I would try to get into the game outside of class. I think playing outside of class definitely helped Jason and Ryan to know the game a bit better than I did.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Warhammer 40k Adventure #12

The Large Salamander is a Unit Meant to be similar to the Carnosaur but focused around a flame template ability. My interpretation of this was to take the Carnosaur, Give it the Flame Sac weapon and then decrease some of its stats to balance it with the Regular Carnosaurs. At the time I called it the Carnamander. I thought it would be cool if the lizardmen had somehow mixed the DNA of the Salamanders and the Carnosaurs together to create a Carnosaur, Salamander hybrid but unfortunately the Leads were intent on just calling it the Large Salamander.

Warhammer 40k Adventure #11

These are the Psycic Powers for the Skink Priests. They were later named Ascended Rites. These were primarily adapted from spells from the Lizardmen Fantasy Codex. That helped with balancing them and also satisfied Garretts obsession with taking inpspiration from the fantasy book. However I thought it was strange that the spells in the fantasy codex had very little fluff associated with them. I had a little bit of diffculty adapting Fiery Convocation. The fire in WH Fantasy doesn't work exactly alike to WH 40k so I had to do a bit of research to find the proper solution.

Warhammer 40k Adventure #10

I was excited to work on the Double Sided Chainsword Weapon simply because of the name of the weapon. When I made the weapon I wanted to reflect the double sided nature of the weapon by giving it two attacks. Unfortunately the amount of attacks is determined by the character and not the weapon so I gave it a very complicated effect that boosted its A stat during the assault phase. However the wording of the effect confused many of my team mates so it was turned to the current effect listed. 

Warhammer 40k Adventure #9

The Multiple Missile Launcher is primarily an Adaptation of another Missile Launcher from WH 40k. Didn't require much creativity or balancing for this one but I did the task so I thought I would include it.

Warhammer 40k Adventure #8

This task required me to create an upgrade for the Skink Snipers that adds Rending to their rifles. Fulfilling it was fairly simple. I took the stats for the sniper rifle then added rending and an upgrade cost. I called it the thermite rifle because thermite is a compound used to breach heavy armor and I though having a rifle that shoots such a deadly concoction was a neat idea.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Warhammer 40k Adventure #7

Two special rules! The first is called Razor Scales and the idea is that some of the Lizardmen have very sharp scales that help them in combat. The Second is called Limb Regrowth and the concept is that like some lizards in real life, certain Lizardmen can regrow their limbs after the have been dismembered.

Warhammer 40k Adventure #6

Psychic Powers!
Using the Tyranid powers for balance reference, I designed theses powers. The Mechanics lead said that some of them were a little overpowered so I balanced them by increasing the warp charge for those powers.

Warhammer 40k Adventure #5

We have finally gotten to the whole point of the class which is design our own race a class team. We are doing Garret's idea for bringing the War Hammer Fantasy Race the Lizardmen to Warhammer 40k. My first task was to create special issue war gear for the Lizardmen.
Many of the initial Wargear were based off Space Marine Wargear and then were renamed and slightly modified. But later items were ideas they I came up with on my own once I became more familiar with the game.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Warhammer 40k Adventure #4

It must be said that Holy Cranola! These figures are Hecka cool. I could honestly see someone just purchasing the figures and not even playing the game.I imagine thousands of hours can be spent just building a cool army and painting it and giving each of the characters their own unique backstory. Warhammer is pretty unique in the sense that you don't even need to play the game to have fun with it. It can become a hobby similar to building a model railway. Also I just had a cool idea what if trains were incorporated into Warhammer somehow. I might return to that thought in a later blog. Trains.